Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's

Hope everyone had a great New Year’s! Andrew and I had a pretty low key night and day. We went to a awesome dinner at a restaurant downtown that I had been wanting to go to for a while, then we had a relaxing day of watching TV, snacking and reading. While most people would have hated this kind of night/weekend I loved it. We had been going ninety-to-nothing for the past few weeks with the move and Christmas so it was very nice to relax and rest. However, we did work on our New Year’s resolution before the ball dropped.

After reading my friend Brandi’s blog and hearing about her “List”, I decided that Andrew and I would make a list of items to complete throughout the year. We came up with 50 things that we would like to do and or see before the year was over. Once I figure out how to work my blog better I will post the entire list on here. However, I will tell you about a couple of the exciting items we decided to do. One is to go one day a week without TV. I know this might sound weird but neither Andrew nor I really like TV but we find our self turning it on every afternoon and watching it after we eat. But there are so many more things that we could do with our time than watch TV and hopefully this will give us the time and motivation to do it.

Another exciting item on our list is to visit three state parks. This is something my family use to do when I was small and I want to get back in the habit. Also, a wonderful lady that I work with goes camping (in and RV) quite often and they visit different state parks and she always tells great stores and how much fun they had. Now I am not saying that we will be camping out at these state parks but there are lots of parks that we can get to and from in a day. If you hear of any great state parks that we should visit, let me know.

Hope everyone is having a great week!


1 comment:

  1. Great list! You have about half of what I would like to do on it :) Best of luck with each and every one of them!!
