Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Poodle Fact

This is a quick fact I found on the Today shows website. Today they had the top five dogs on the show. The poodle did not make the top five but did make the top 10. Way to go Poodle's!

The Poodle holds the record for being the most popular dog for 22 consecutive years (1960-1982). The breed is exceptionally smart, hardy and excels in obedience training.

The breed has inspired everything from poodle skirts to the book “Travels with Charley” by John Steinbeck. Presidents Richard Nixon and Grover Cleveland both owned Poodles.

On another note, I received a call from the AOII chapter Advisor today and I am now the official Social Chair Advisor. I know I am crazy for doing this, but I told myself I would take a year break for the sorority then I would start volunteering my time to help. So I am sure I will have some crazy stories and I pity the poor girl who is the social chair now, I know it was a headache of a job. Wish me luck!

Hope everyone has a great day!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Awesome Day

Today has been AWESOME! After a dull weekend, I interviewed with Alabama Credit Union on Monday afternoon and as of this afternoon, I am a proud member of their team! I am very excited about this opportunity! I will be a part-time employee working with their marketing department. I can't wait to work with their wonderful staff and gain much needed experience.

On another note, Annie turned 4 years old Saturday. She ate doggie cookies and was spoiled for the day. Just another day in the life of Annie. I sometimes wish I was Annie, she sleeps 20 hours a day, watches tv the other 4, does not have to worry about cooking, cleaning, or bills. Her life revolves around new chewy bones and short walks to take care of her business. What a life!

For all dog lovers out there, I want to recommend a new dog food. Chef Michael's dog food, you can get it at any grocery store and Annie loves it. She is a grazer, eats bites of food all day long. But once I put this in her bowl she ate all of it within the hour. I am taking that as a sign she loves it.

My other recommendation for today are two movies I watched recently. I went on another date with the same guy(from Thursday) on Saturday and we saw The Book of Eli- great movie and I really enjoyed it. Another movie that my friend PJ and I watched on Monday night was State of Play- good movie especially if you like political thrillers.

I will keep everyone updated on the job and hope everyone has an Awesome Day!


Friday, January 22, 2010

Date Night~!

I went on a date last night, with a guy from my master's program. First, I have not been on a date in soooo long, I had given up on the dating world! But the date surprised me. I had a good time, maybe a little awkward at first but after a little while we were talking and enjoying ourselves. I do not know if we will have another date but I would not tell him not if he asked again.

Annie was jealous of my date! She was upset when I left and when I got back home she keep me up forever, with her toys and a new bone she got. She also woke my up early and is now back asleep and I'm the one who will not be able to go back to sleep! Kids! But I cant help but hold her and love on her even though I posting how upset I am with her. I do not think that is normal!

Its Friday and my four day weekend has started. Yep that right four days. I do not have classes on Monday or Fridays! I have a to work on internship stuff from home but that it. Good news is that I have an interview on Monday with Alabama Credit Union!! I am excited but have lots of questions for them. Like is this position going to last longer than a semester, because they advertised it through the University as a spring semester position. I am not sure I want to tie myself down, stress, and possibly lose time, where I could be looking for a big girl job. But enough about my rant. I am still excited to be interviewing!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rainy Messy Day Makes My Hair Curly~!!

This is a big problem if your a Poodle with curly hair that you work hard to keep tamed and if you live in Tuscaloosa, where when it sprinkles it floods. This was how Annie was feeling this afternoon after our walk. She had to go out but she wanted back out as soon as she steeped outside.

My opinion to Annie going out in the rain is that she should wear her rain jacket but she refuses to move when I put it on her. So till I can figure out how to get her to move she is stuck getting wet when she goes out in the rain.

But as you can see she does not move when I put her in her rain coat. I usually use it as a timeout cause when I say she does not move, she does not move. She locks her legs up and keeps her head down, then sits wherever she is standing.

So enough about the weather. I have a new obsession. I Love YOGA. Well at least I loved it last week and this week. Which is still pretty good. I bought a yoga DVD, that taught me all the poses then I have a morning and night time yoga workout for beginners. I love doing it. And it does not take that long, but after a few days last week I could tell I was doing something because I hurt! But a good hurt. I also bought a 10 min 5 day cardio DVD. This DVD sucks. Its hard and I cant keep up with the instructor, but I am going to keep trying, but I love my YOGA! Try it, you will too.

So I told you in my profile that I love to read. So tell me some good books you have read recently or good books that you just wish you had time to read. I just finished the Vampire Academy books, well all that are out right now. The series currently has 4 books and the 5th is coming out in May. My Mom read then and said I would like them it took me months to read them but once I started I finished all 4 in two weeks.

Great books, and they are nothing like Twilight. No I love him, but he left me, but he came back so I am going to drop my best friend who has always been there for me. (That is my opinion of Bella from Twilight) But Twilight was a good series too. But just if your wondering no my obsession with Harry Potter will never die.

That's all for today. Thanks for all the response to my blog. I hope to see yall starting a blog soon.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Trying Somthing New

So I have decided to try my hand at blogging. I enjoy surfing the Internet and have found some neat blogs and tweets that I like to follow or in other words look at when I remember. I have a Twitter account but I have done nothing but set it up. Maybe I will get that going too. Anyway I have grown tired of Face Book and I want a new way to keep up with my friends.

For everyone who does not know me I am a 22 year old University of Alabama graduate and I am currently working on my Master's degree. I am excited to say I will graduate again this coming May!

As for the Blog Title "Life with Annie" that is my almost four year old (January 23rd is her b-day) toy poodle. Currently we are living in an apartment in Tuscaloosa, and we spend a lot of time together. This is due to the fact that I hate campus libraries and would much rather study from my apartment and also because she cries like crazy when I leave her. She is a big baby. But I hope this blog will allow me tell you great stores of our adventures together.

Thanks for everyone who checked my new blog out and I hope you come back and leave me comments on how your life is going.
