Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Trying Somthing New

So I have decided to try my hand at blogging. I enjoy surfing the Internet and have found some neat blogs and tweets that I like to follow or in other words look at when I remember. I have a Twitter account but I have done nothing but set it up. Maybe I will get that going too. Anyway I have grown tired of Face Book and I want a new way to keep up with my friends.

For everyone who does not know me I am a 22 year old University of Alabama graduate and I am currently working on my Master's degree. I am excited to say I will graduate again this coming May!

As for the Blog Title "Life with Annie" that is my almost four year old (January 23rd is her b-day) toy poodle. Currently we are living in an apartment in Tuscaloosa, and we spend a lot of time together. This is due to the fact that I hate campus libraries and would much rather study from my apartment and also because she cries like crazy when I leave her. She is a big baby. But I hope this blog will allow me tell you great stores of our adventures together.

Thanks for everyone who checked my new blog out and I hope you come back and leave me comments on how your life is going.



  1. Aww Kelley I miss you and Annie so much! I love your blog and look forward to reading about whats going on. You need to take a break from school and come visit us...you know you deserve it after all! :) We just moved into our new house so things have slowed down a bit and would love to have you come visit! Annie is welcome too! LOVE & MISS YOU TONS

  2. Awwww. Kelley, this is absolutely adorable!! I love the pic's and stories of Annie - she makes me and Denny smile... =)!! I hope everything is going great in T-town and I'll talk to you soon!
