2011 To Do List

1. Make a conscience effort to exercise 3 times a week.
2. Make 5 new “meat” meals other than chicken and hamburger.
3 Spend the night in four different states.
4. Start or join a book club.
5. Attend church regularly.
6. Feel the guestroom with furniture.
7. Build a 6 month emergency fund.
8. Document our year in photos.
9. Meet five neighbors.
10. Make a photo book of 2010.
11. Andrew is to ready four good books.
12. See Andrew graduate from UA.
13. Frame Andrew’s diploma.
14. Volunteer with three different charities.
15. Get passports.
16. Go camping.
17. Re-read Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth
18. Become financially independent.
19. Kelley is going to make a better attempt to be on-time to events
20. Andrew is going to plan better by not making any last minute plans.
21. Stay in touch with Granny Fay more.
22. Pray before we eat.
23. Kelley is going to write a short-story.
24. Finish decorating the living room.
25. Go see Christmas Lights during the 2011 Holiday’s.
26. Go 24 hours without TV once a week.
27. Have a family photo made.
28. Perform random acts of kindness to five people
29. Make Holiday bake items.
30. Have both the Camry and Truck make it till 2012.
31. Send 10 random letters to friends.
32. Do landscaping to both the front and backyard.
33. Andrew is going to stop smoking.
34. Fix Annie’s tear stains.
35. Make Bo a matching dog bed.
36. Host three guest parties.
37. Join the UA Alumni Association.
38. Visit three state parks.
39. Complete Outside Patio.
40. Stay at a Bed & Breakfast.
41. Donate 10 articles of clothing to charity.
42. Walk both dogs 10 times at Arboretum.
43. Learn basic sign-language.
44. Meet someone who has been on TV.
45. Meet 2011 Secret Meals goal.
46. Get a complete health check.
47. Watch/Buy all of “The Tudor’s” SHO Time Series
48. Find Andrew a full-time job.
49. Make a new list for 2012.
50. Donate $5 to charity for each item not completed.