Sunday, January 1, 2012

Going to give this another try....

After one year of not updating I'm going to give it another try. The reason I have decided to try again are two fold--- 1) I love reading my friend Brandi's blog and my sister-in-law Amanda's blog and feel it is probably not fair that I get to learn so much about their lives yet I share nothing. 2) I'm engaged!!! Andrew and I are very excited about getting married and I want to include family and friends in the wedding plan process as much as possible.

So here comes the first new post and I must sadly say it is not about wedding planing! My sister-in-law introduced me to the greatest website ever....Pinterest! I have wasted lots of time browsing this this site getting ideas for the wedding and home decorating. One idea that I saw and thought was easy enough for me to complete was a Christmas Card book.
I love creating my Christmas cards each year so I go to great lengths keeping the cards we receive but I never know what to do with them. I did not have a great place to display them so they just sat in my kitchen till the end of the season when I packed up my Christmas stuff and put the cards in a ziplock bag with the year on it.
The idea I saw gave me a free template that I used with just minor adjustments! I made one for 2010 and 2011! You can see the picture below. I think they turned out pretty cute and I now have the idea to create books for birthday and other cards we receive.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! We're excited to read along with you about the wedding plans and day to day life!
