Friday, March 26, 2010

It's Friday!

I wish that it being Friday means that I have AWESOME plans for the weekend. But I don't! I worked late this afternoon and plan on working on some school work tomorrow. SAD

So I had a great week. On Tuesday I went to eat dinner with AOII Alumni and then we went to Sip's and Strokes. I have only done this one other time and I totally sucked then, but we had a great time. And if I do say so myself, I didn't do to bad....

On Wednesday I had a very intense interview, but it went pretty well. Hopefully I will hear something soon. On that note, I am still job searching, but I am starting to get beginning offers, so I am super excited but I don't want to get to excited yet.

This coming Monday Alabama Credit Union will host their 55th Annual Meeting, and I am super excited, 1) I have worked hard to see this event happen, 2) I am ready for this hard work to be done, and 3) I get to meet more awesome people who work at the credit union. So if you are a member of the Credit Union you are invited to Hotel Capstone at 5!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! If its pretty tomorrow Annie and I plan to go walking, and relax outside reading a good book!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Last Week

Last week was Spring Break for U of A. However, I had to work on Monday! But I went home as soon as I got off work. However, my spring break did not go as planned. I had intended to go to Destin to visit Amanda with Mave and Allison. But Monday night a close family friend had a heart attack and passed away at 61. J.T. Boykin was a great man, he always helped those in need out.

He left behind a host of close family and friends and his wife Sandy (My Second Mom) and son Matthew (age 23 and BFF since age 4). It was a hard week for the Boykin Family, but they showed amazing strength and my prayers are still with them.

After the passing of J.T. I have become concerned with the health of all those around me. I encourage everyone to take a look at your families health and encourage family to become healthy! Just a few changes and you could add years onto your life! Think about it!

I am now back in Tuscaloosa and I have a busy week ahead, I guess that's what I get for taking a week off work and doing zip school work. Has anyone taken a personality test? I had to take one online last night for an interview I have on Wednesday and it was hard!!!!! I am going to be so embarrassed if I "fail" my personality test!

Have a great week!

P.S. Annie says "Hi" and is glad the rain has moved out.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend with the Girls~!!

This past weekend I got to spend some time with MAVE!! I miss her like crazy, since she now lives back in Memphis. Well, whenever Mave and I go out we get a little out of control.....

So are night started with Mave, Allison, and I going to the AOII party, where I was the Advisor. This was very calm and all the AOII's were well behaved. We left there and went to Inisfree. That is where things got BAD! Shots, Drinks, and Shots later, we were in for a rough night.

Oh well, we had a great time. I will admit that Allison was the guilty party for the reason we were all out of control, but it was a fun night...till the next morning.

Next week is my Spring Break and I have no idea what I am going to do. But anything will be better than worrying about school.

Annie has been great, she is already in the bed asleep tonight! FYI- I totally think Annie is learning yoga with me cause she always gets in the floor and lays next to my mat when I bring it out.

Hope all is going well!
