Friday, March 26, 2010

It's Friday!

I wish that it being Friday means that I have AWESOME plans for the weekend. But I don't! I worked late this afternoon and plan on working on some school work tomorrow. SAD

So I had a great week. On Tuesday I went to eat dinner with AOII Alumni and then we went to Sip's and Strokes. I have only done this one other time and I totally sucked then, but we had a great time. And if I do say so myself, I didn't do to bad....

On Wednesday I had a very intense interview, but it went pretty well. Hopefully I will hear something soon. On that note, I am still job searching, but I am starting to get beginning offers, so I am super excited but I don't want to get to excited yet.

This coming Monday Alabama Credit Union will host their 55th Annual Meeting, and I am super excited, 1) I have worked hard to see this event happen, 2) I am ready for this hard work to be done, and 3) I get to meet more awesome people who work at the credit union. So if you are a member of the Credit Union you are invited to Hotel Capstone at 5!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! If its pretty tomorrow Annie and I plan to go walking, and relax outside reading a good book!


1 comment:

  1. Love Sip-n-Strokes! I've only been twice, but depending on what's on Pelham's calendar for April, I may be going again. It is a lot of fun - I painted Bear Bryant for Josh for Christmas and then a heart around Valentine's Day.

    Your painting looks great :)

    I hope everything went well with the meeting yesterday!!!
