Sunday, January 15, 2012

Projects around the House

Andrew and I moved into our house in December 2010 and for the first couple of months I was totally into decorating. However, once I got the house to a point where it did not look bare and I felt ok with having guest I stopped decorating. Now that I have found Pinterest I am once again excited and have a desire to decorate. Don't get me wrong my house is not going to be featured in a magazine but we have had a BLAST creating new things for our house.

The first thing we did once I had a few projects "pinned" was make a trip to the local thrift store. And this in itself was an adventure because we learned a new term that neither of us were familiar with... the "no price buggy". We found 3 gently used picture frames that I thought would be perfect for a few pinned projects I wanted to create but one did not have a price. We decided we would take all 3 to the register and make them an's all going to charity right? We made them an offer of $5 for the one frame without a price, the other two frames together were going to cost us $2.79. So we thought $5 was a great offer. But that's not how the thrift store works, items without a price go into the "no price buggy" NO questions asked. So of course I made Andrew make a second trip to the thrift store a few days later to see if my beloved frame had been given a price. He found the frame priced $2.98, however when he tried to checkout the cashier felt that the frame was mispriced. By this time Andrew is grumpy and wanting to leave the thrift store and never return but because he knew how much I really wanted that frame he caused a minor scene. He told the lady he had attempted to buy this frame twice and had even offered more but was told no, he said he was determined to get this frame. By now everyone in line is starring at him wondering why he visits the thrift store so much! So needless to say going to the thrift store was an adventure one that I am not sure if I can convenience Andrew to participate in again.

But with one of the frames we purchased during the first trip to the thrift store I made this cute addition to our bedroom. It was inspired by Pinterest and we love it. Andrew even rigged it so we can attach the dry erase marker. He also had to fix the frame stand because we bought the frame for .79 cents and you can't really expect much. But this is the type of thing Andrew loves! He is super handy, which is a quality I recommend every girl trying to find in their man. If he can build or make something he is happy and I'm pretty lucky because he uses these skills to make lots of stuff for our house! We have made two more awesome projects that I will share later this week!


  1. Love it! I have yet to make anything I've found on Pinterest...gotta get started!

  2. I saw this on Pinterest! I am sooo excited to see you in a few days!!

  3. these are great... I need to make my sweetpea one
