Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Poodle Fact

This is a quick fact I found on the Today shows website. Today they had the top five dogs on the show. The poodle did not make the top five but did make the top 10. Way to go Poodle's!

The Poodle holds the record for being the most popular dog for 22 consecutive years (1960-1982). The breed is exceptionally smart, hardy and excels in obedience training.

The breed has inspired everything from poodle skirts to the book “Travels with Charley” by John Steinbeck. Presidents Richard Nixon and Grover Cleveland both owned Poodles.

On another note, I received a call from the AOII chapter Advisor today and I am now the official Social Chair Advisor. I know I am crazy for doing this, but I told myself I would take a year break for the sorority then I would start volunteering my time to help. So I am sure I will have some crazy stories and I pity the poor girl who is the social chair now, I know it was a headache of a job. Wish me luck!

Hope everyone has a great day!



  1. I love you Kelley! You are so sweet for helping out and being the Social Chair Advisor! You know exactly what to do!! Can't wait to see you soon. Be sure to be hungry when you come down to visit. As you can see from blog, it's Mardi Gras and that means food, drink, and more food! haha

  2. Oh Kelley! I think that's great. If there was an AOII chapter here, I would totally be working with them. Also, congrats on your job!!!! That's really exciting.

    I'm sitting in bed editing a paper right now (I'm trying out to be a fellow for the Legal Research & Writing class). And it's snowing like crazy outside, I won't be going anywhere for a while.
