Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brandi has inspired me....

Well, it has been a long time since I have last updated my Blog. For that I am sorry. Brandi has inspired me to continue with my Blog and update more often.

This past weekend I was able to visit Brandi in Mobile and go over to New Orleans with her and Natalie (Brandi’s cousin). We had a great time! I will post pictures from our trip once Brandi sends them to me. While in New Orleans we were able to do lots of fun stuff. We watched Alabama beat Florida and we went to a awesome Jazz Lounge. I believe the Jazz Lounge was one of the best things about the trip. We heard about the “lounge” while out shopping in the French Market. A guy Brandi was buying candles from told her about the band that played at the Jazz Lounge. The lead singer/trumpet player was in the Harry Conic Jr. Band. Overall the band was great and I think Brandi had a crush on the guy. He was pretty cute.

However, during the New Orleans trip I received bad news from home. On Saturday morning my Mom called to tell me that Annie had suffered from a seizure the night before. However, Annie was very luck she was already at the vet receiving her yearly shots. The vet said it could possibly be from an allergic reaction from the shots or could be something she is starting to develop. I hope it is the allergic reaction issue but this is not the first seizure Annie has had. A few months back Annie had a similar episode while we were getting ready for bed. After talking to the vet about this episode, they felt at the time it was a muscle spasm due to the long walk we had gone on earlier that week. Now we believe it too was a seizure. We will be monitoring Annie’s condition for the next few months to make a better decision on what to do to help her. Keep her in your thought.

That is all for today but I am going to try and update again later this week with pictures from the New Orleans trip.



1 comment:

  1. You can download pics from the postings I put on facebook and yes, I can help you spruce up your blog if you want! you have to start writing in it more though. I think after Christmas we should do our own book club and we can write about them on here. I will agree to read both fiction and non-fiction!!
