Monday, October 11, 2010

Three Day Weekends ROCK!

So I have had a three day weekend. Yep, it’s the wonderful holiday of “Columbus Day” and banks are CLOSED. With this long weekend I have not very little other than relax and spend time with Andrew. As many of you might be aware, Andrew and I became Facebook official this week. I am not sure why this is such a big deal, we have been “seeing” each other for a few months but we felt it was time to just throw the news out there to everyone. I think some people were a little surprised by this news flash.

Since Andrew and I are seeing more of each other our dogs have become quite close. Ok this is a total lie. The dogs spend time with each other because they have no other choice and I am positive if they had to choose a best friend they would not choose each other, but I think they are super cute together so I like to make the sit, lay, and play together. This is the ONLY picture I could get of them together and it took lots of work.

Cute picture of Bo wrapped in a blanket.

With my three day weekend, I got a haircut, went to the lake and watched the game, started the process of looking for a house (Yes, I am once again on the house search) and cleaned my apartment. That might not sound like a very busy or productive weekend but it was a great weekend!

Today Annie has been loving having her Momma at home. She had not been far from my side all day. When I went to run so errands she went for a car ride. She is now taking her afternoon nap, she has been so excited with me cleaning and being at home today to take a nap.

I am not sure when I will be able to post again this week due to a short week at works makes for a very busy week at work. But I will try to post at the end of the week. If Brandi is reading I still need her to send me pictures from the NOLA trip!


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