Wednesday, November 3, 2010

There will be days like this…

Yesterday was one of those days when everything I did went wrong. Things started going wrong for me before 7:00 a.m.. This was the first sign of a bad day. I over slept and had to rush to get ready. Andrew being the kind person he is, let me start getting ready and took the dogs out for me. Well, we don’t always put Annie on a leash when we take her out with Bo. So Annie was taking care of her business and so was Bo, Bo and Andrew start walking back to the condo, Annie looks at them like they are crazy and goes the opposite way. I believe Annie was thinking, “Those boys are crazy! There going the wrong way!” Andrew was thinking, “Annie must not be done with her business”. After Andrew puts Bo inside her turns around to discover Annie is missing.

Now Andrew did not come and tell me Annie was missing immediately, because 1) He thought he could find her fast and 2) He knew telling me would make me upset. Well after looking for a while and no sign of Annie he comes inside and tells me he needs my help finding Annie. I run outside in my bath robe and slippers with wet hair looking frantically for my dog. The first area I look is the parking lot, because I have a huge fear of my dog getting hit by a car. I could not find Annie. Now about 15minutes has passed and we are both circling the complex looking for this dog. I decide to go get Bo and see if he can sniff her out like a hound dog.

Not even half a lap around the complex I see Annie peek her head out the rails of the building next to mine (literally one stairwell over). I was already crying at this point and frantic so I call out to her. She wouldn’t come down the stairs to me! In her head she was thinking, “Mom come open the door, I’m cold out here!”, I am thinking, “Why the HECK is my dog standing at this random person’s door!”. After I carry her down the stairs and to my condo, I have mixed emotions of relief and disbelief that my dog could be that stupid to forget where she lives.

Don’t dogs have a unique sense of smell? My lord, the dogs in Homeword Bound found their way home after going through a national park! Annie could not find her way home following Andrew and Bo (a 42 pound dog). I worry about her. However, this was not the only bad incident of the day but this one turned out with a happy ending. The other incidents include but are not limited to, being without power for 8 hours the night before, missing a meeting with my Realtor, losing my car keys at the mall, my internet modem box breaking, getting lost going to Comcast, and getting pulled over by the cops. Let’s just say when the day was over I went home and stayed home! Valerie asked if I wanted to go walking with her and I was afraid I would break my leg if I attempted to leave the house.

Hope no one else had a day like this. Today has been much better thus far and for that I am very thankful!

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